Thank you for thinking of me and your kind acceptance of my ideas. James Lovelock FRS, author of the Gaia Hypothesis.
The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.
Edward R. Murrow
Tell the people who won’t review their views that: ‘The foolish and the dead never change their opinions.’ Maybe that is an overstatement – as the ‘brain-dead’ may also refuse to revise.
Dr Tom Hungerford OBE
Your work is wonderful.
I received my copy of RMB recently and have to hang my head in shame.
Not only did I never know anybody as bold and brilliant as Tom exist, but I am also ashamed as a fellow colleague that he has to fight this battle virtually alone.
Not anymore. I am not reading his book. I am studying it. It mills in my mind all the time and I use it now in my consult room.
Dr Johan Joubert, veterinarian
Every graduate and undergraduate veterinarian should read the book (Raw Meaty Bones) for it has the potential to challenge the things they believe to be true, and gives them the wonderful opportunity to step back from themselves and to look more dispassionately and more deeply at the science they practise and to realise how important it is to listen carefully to others who may have a pearl of wisdom to share.
Through his work as a veterinary practitioner Dr Lonsdale has identified a problem, researched the aetiology and the pathogenesis, introduced therapeutic and preventive procedures, and addressed, head on, what he saw to be a moral issue for the profession.
Just a quarter of the way into Dr Tom Lonsdale’s Raw Meaty Bones: Promote
Health the thought crossed my mind that here was a Silent Spring for
companion dogs and cats. By the time I was halfway through I was in no
Dr. Lonsdale’s work crosses disciplines and belief systems and will likely change much of what we now know at a fundamental level. Some find that the embodiment of hubris and brazenness, most find it terrifying. I find it enlightening, uplifting and positive.